about the artist


Creative expression has always been a driving force in Joyce Roland Malatek’s life as a native Texan. Musically gifted, Joyce mastered numerous instruments in her youth to accompany her developed singing voice. Although audibly talented, the visual arts were always her favorite form of expression.


After graduation from the University of Houston, the realities of raising a family forced Joyce to put down her guitar, but she never let go of her paintbrush. She even found that the high stress of her career could be brushed away with the tickle of horsehair on canvas. Joyce has spent nearly three decades honing her craft while studying under some of the most influential artists of today.

Oil and pastels are Joyce’s chosen mediums, each bringing a different technique in application with diverse visual results. While realism is her most comfortable style, Joyce is constantly challenging herself to experience new interpretations. Her camera is often pointed at desert landscapes, capturing the intrinsic beauty of a nature that she lovingly refreshes in her art. The bold and rich colors of the southwest are favorite choices on her pallet.


Today, Joyce paints in her studio perched above the Llano River in Junction, Texas, surrounded by an abundance of wildlife. She has a keen awareness of the importance of preserving the land she loves and nurtures. “Nature and the beauty of simple things” are common themes in her portfolio and lend inspiration to her work.

Currently, some of Joyce’s original work is on display at the Fredericksburg Art Guild in Fredericksburg, Texas, where she is an active artist participant and Board member.